Design reviews vs. design proposals

SQ EDC advice. M. Greenberg

Design Review vs. Design Proposal
Design Review

PURPOSE: Get Feedback
Present the Design Problem
•    Explanation of Mission Statement
•    Explanation of User Needs and Design Requirements 

Present the Design Solution
•    Give a feel for the whole or describe how the user interacts with the whole
•    Describe the features or individual parts and user interactions

Q & A to obtain feedback

Design Proposal

AUDIENCE: Client and other interested parties
PURPOSE: Persuasive

Introduction: Context for the project and its importance; provide a guide to contents

Present the Design Problem 
•    Explanation of Mission Statement
•    Explanation of User Needs and Design Requirements

Briefly describe the Research Method 

Present the Design Solution  (words and visuals)
•    Give a feel for the whole or describe how the user interacts with the whole
•    Describe the features or individual parts and how user interacts with the parts

Make the case for the Design (words and Tables):  (May be integrated with the above).
•    Discuss benefits  
•    Explain how design meets requirements
•    Acknowledge limitations
In “making the case,” use evidence from user/performance testing, expert opinion, other research, as well as reasoning. 

Next Steps (could also include “Limitations”) and Conclusion      

Appendixes (see textbook for possible Appendixes—fewer than in Progress Reports)