Oral presentation preparation checklist
Developed for presenters in Biomedical Engineering--but good general advice for anyone
Checklist for Effective Presentations
P. Hirsch and G. Birol
Whether it is short or long, formal or informal, a good presentation requires the following:
(a) useful, well organized content
(b) some kind of visual backup, such as well designed PowerPoint slides, handouts, diagrams sketched on a blackboard, or prototypes
(c) a polished presentation style
To develop skill in these areas – and to overcome the nervousness that afflicts most people when they think about presenting their work orally -- it helps to practice different kinds of oralpresentations and to get friendly feedback about your presenting strengths and weaknesses.
Use the checklist below to help you practice your presentations and to get suggestions from your classmates and instructors.
Effective content
1. Good introduction of self (smile; say “hello”)
2. Concise explanation of the purpose & organization of your talk (“Tell ‘em what you’re gonna tell ‘em; then tell ‘em” )
3. Useful information, reflecting good choices about how much detail to include & clear definitions and explanations (geared for non-experts)
4. Good transitions from one section of your talk to the next
5. A purposeful ending
Effective slides or other visuals
6. Professional (simple) but attractive layout – background should not detract from readability
7. Limited amount of text on a slide; good use of graphics
8. Good size: content visible at a distance
9. Concise, careful use of language
10. Correct grammar, punctuation, calculations
Effective oral delivery
11. Good posture & stance – face audience when speaking; don’t sway from side to side; no hands in pockets
12. Professional appearance (at least business casual)
13. Good eye contact – take turns looking at all parts of the room; smile
14. Articulate speaking style: no notes; adequate volume (speak “to the back of the room”); avoid verbal tics (um, uh, right!, so); good intonation (speak with enthusiasm for your subject)
15. Good pace and timing